Passenger Safety PTM- Police Deployment

As a very beneficial additional feature of the Rail Smith - Performance Team Management (PTM) System, it is highly recommended Rail Smith - PTM be extended to transit agency police officers and supervisors deployment with the same geographical railroad agency operations, maintenance, and capital programs Zone Corridor performance teams. The police officer Zone Corridor performance teams as a base can deploy two police officers on the passenger station areas and platforms and two police officers on board trains (riding through their assigned Zone Corridor limits), along with one police supervisor for each of the 3 daily 8-hour work shifts. As per the railroad agency operations, maintenance, and capital programs work performance monitoring and performance awards the same police passenger safety monitoring and police passenger safety performance awards programs would be established. The above Passenger Safety Performance Team Management - Police Deployment is stated as a supplement in the Rail Smith - PTM NYC Transit presentation and also within the Rail Smith Performance Solutions manuscript, along with the basic police officer and supervisor required manpower for all 16 railroad systems.

A police officer is wearing his uniform and badge.

Safety Police Deployment

MTA - NYCT Police Supervisor & Officers Safety Deployment - Supplement

Zone Corridor Level One (5 - 9 Stations) Shift Assignments Weekday (WD), Weekend (WE):

Monday - Friday WD: 1 Supervisor & 4 Officers (2 train car patrols & 2 stations patrols) for each 7 AM - 3 PM; 3 PM - 11 PM & 11 PM - 7 AM ZONE CORRIDOR LEVEL ONE work shift (WD Total: 3 WD Police Supervisors and 12 Police Officers; 3 WE Police Supervisors & 12 WE Officers work 3 WD's each in addition to WE's, (serve as vacation/lunch/ & extra deployment)

Saturday/Sunday WE: 1 Supervisor & 4 Officers (2 train car & 2 stations) for each: Saturday 7AM - 3 PM; 3 PM - 11 PM; Saturday 11 PM - Sunday 7 AM; Sunday 7 AM - 3 PM; 3 PM - 11 PM & Sunday 11 PM - Monday 7 AM ZONE CORRIDOR LEVEL ONE (WE Total: 3 WE Supervisors & 12 Police Officers assigned 16 WE hours In addition to: 24 WD hours Vacation/ Lunch Relief & Extra Personnel)

6 Supervisor & 24 Officers for each Zone Corridor Level One. Level 2 Zone Corridors each have a multiple of two personnel of Level 1 Zone Corridors. Level 3 Zone Corridors each have a multiple of three of Level 1 Zone Corridors. Level 4 Zone Corridors each have a multiple of four of Level 1 Zone Corridors. Level 5 Zone Corridors each have a multiple of five of Level 1 Zone Corridors.

2,520 Total NYC Transit Required Police Supervisors & Police Officers: 9X6 L1Supervisors + 9X24 L1Officers + 2X7X6 L2Supervisors + 2X7X24 L2 Officers + 3X6X6 L3 Supervisors + 3X6X24 L3 Officers + 4X3X7X6 L4 Supervisors + 4X7X24 L4 Officers + 5X3X6 L5 Supervisors + 5X3X24 L5 Officers (504 Supervisors & 2,016 Officers) Performance Recognition Awards issued for the most safe rail corridors

Currently there are approximately 4,000 NY City Transit Police Officers on active duty. Potentially a 37% reduction in required personnel while providing full passenger station & on-board train patrols. Zone Corridor Police Safety Performance Rewards Programs are also to be implemented