About - Rail Smith Performance Solutions Inc.

Rail Smith Performance Solutions Incorporated is an innovative business education and training services provider that operates throughout the United States.

Rail Smith Performance Solutions develops customized business leadership and executive development programs, specializing in executive coaching along with training programs, training classes and training materials for all types of work tasks and for all levels of employees.

Rail Smith Performance Solutions' premier business education and training programs feature all required support and guidance for complete implementation of newly created customized management methods to obtain maximum productivity and performance through strategic assignment of labor, supervisors, and management personnel.

With over 35 years of railroad systems, vertical construction, engineering & construction management, real estate, restaurant, and healthcare industries experience; Rail Smith Performance Solutions specializes in providing business development & strategic management plans, customer service relations, employee development & employee training services.

Rail Smith Performance Solutions' staff has in-depth experience as the lead Project Manager for the successful development and implementation of MTA – New York City Transit’s first completely comprehensive train operator training program.

Additionally, Rail Smith Performance Solutions' staff has also created and successfully implemented a completely comprehensive training manual for construction management personnel staff. This construction management training manual was the first ever developed.

Rail Smith Performance Solutions’ top business education and training product is Rail Smith Performance Team Management (PTM), which is the most revolutionary and beneficial management system ever created.

Rail Smith PTM is described in detail on the various pages of this railsmithptm.com website. Please review the pages within this railsmithptm.com website and purchase the Rail Smith Performance Solutions 141-page manuscript to obtain complete insight and understanding of the Rail Smith PTM system developed for MTA – New York City Transit and 15 of the other largest metropolitan areas' railroad systems throughout the U.S.

In addition, our professional staff is extremely knowledgeable and skilled to provide impactful business education, training, and leadership development for a wide range of industries and businesses beyond railroad systems.

Your business and you are invited to explore the unique business performance and revenue enhancement education, training, executive leadership programs, classes, training materials and related services that Rail Smith Performance Solutions offers.

A simple telephone call, an email request and/or completion of the railsmithptm.com website contact form is all that is needed to immediately get started on transforming your business and organization for maximum productivity, performance, revenue, customer and employee relations along with significant increases in profitability.

We look forward to providing your business excellent one-of-a-kind support that quickly results in the highest levels of productivity, revenue, customer service and profitability that your business and industry has ever experienced.